BC Golf



Ben is very knowledgeable in the area of golf and works well with all individuals. He is able to teach all parts of the game and has grown the game of golf in our area. Ben gets to know the player that he is working with customizing and adapting his lessons to meet the golfers specific needs.
— Tina Brophy
His individual teaching of me is excellent. He understands the swing and gives great advice on how to improve mine. He is also patient, takes time to explain and then summarize/review at the end of a lesson. He never seems to be in a hurry.

The instruction he gives young people.  I initially approached Ben for lessons when I saw the excellent swings of his young students. It’s evident the very positive impact he’s having on these young folks. This also plays out in the excellent results his Nagel teams have had (always at or near the top of their leagues).

One other thing I really like is that he loves to teach, and he continually takes steps to improve his teaching ability, like attending formal training sessions and staying in touch/getting advice from his own teachers.
— Steve Elliot
As a high school golf coach who receives many of the players Ben coached and instructed, it has significantly benefited our program. From making the kids more passionate about golf and advancing their skills tremendously. Our high school program at Turpin has improved from top to bottom. He works diligently in all the realms of golf that he is involved in.
— Coach Brad Suder
Ben is amazing! Originally, my son liked golf but wasn’t in love with it. He does a great job at keeping young golfers engaged until their skill makes the game of golf enjoyable.
— Lynn Chabris
Ben Chandler is an exceptional Golf Professional. Not only does his knowledge, experience and love of golf stand out amongst others, the one thing that truly sets him aside from all others is his ability to build relationships with his golfers. Ben develops excellent rapport with his golfers by taking a genuine interest in who they are as people and offers his support to them on and off the course. He is able to truly meet them where they are and inspires and motivates them to progress to the next level. Ben does not offer generic drills to his golfers. He creates drills and practice according to each golfer’s strengths and weaknesses. Ben also understands the importance of the mental aspect of the game of golf and truly equips each golfer with the confidence and applicable strategies that enables them to maintain composure and momentum even during a challenging hole/round. Most importantly, Ben coaches the entire athlete. He understands that what he teaches them goes far beyond the game of golf. What he teaches them, equips them with a mindset and work ethic that will benefit them in all aspects of their lives. By knowing Ben Chandler, my son has not only developed a life-long love of the game of golf, he has also become a more confident, hardworking, and resilient teenager. Ben Chandler is far more than a Golf Professional instilling a love of golf in our young people, He is a devoted and committed mentor investing in and impacting the lives of our youth.
— Debbie Nimmo